Myths vs Facts

Myths vs Facts

Dental Access Myths and Facts

Can you tell the difference between a myth and fact about access to dental care in Florida? Learn the truth about the most common dental access myths.


People with dental problems can always just go to the emergency room.


Emergency departments are not equipped to treat dental problems and typically provide just temporary pain relief.
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Increasing the Medicaid reimbursement rate will allow more people to see dentists.


Raising Medicaid reimbursements will help some but increases in access are mostly modest and very expensive. More is needed in Florida to solve the oral health crisis.
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Loan forgiveness helps rural communities attract and retain dentists.


Loan forgiveness is an expensive strategy that isn’t large enough to attract and recruit enough dentists to impact access to care in rural communities.
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Dental Therapists aren't qualified to perform "irreversible surgical procedures"


Dental therapists are educated to the same standard and pass the exact same licensing exam as dentists for the procedures they perform - including “irreversible procedures” such as fillings and extracting severely decayed baby teeth.
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Free dental clinics take care of the people who can't afford dental care.


Charity is not a health care system. It is, in effect, the definition of second-tier care.
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Florida already has plenty of dentists.


66 of Florida’s 67 counties have Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas. The overall number of licensed dentists in a state does nothing to assess provider adequacy.
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